At the time of the first fiveyear plan india faced with. In july 1951, the planning commission issued the draft outline of the first five year plan for the period april 1951 to march 1956. Chinas first five year plan 195357 had a twopronged strategy. In the first five year plan 195156 the development of women has been treated as subject of welfare.
Five year plan definition, examples, diagrams toppr. This plan promoted the idea of self reliant closed economy and was developed by prof. The first objective was to aim for a high rate of economic growth with an emphasis on the development of heavy industry, including such assets as mining, iron manufacturing, and steel manufacturing. The first five year plan was presented in the parliament by prime minister jawaharlal nehru in december 1951. First five year plan, 195156 to tenth five year plan, 20022007 india. Pdf women empowerment in the five year plans of india. The first plan was launched to get the countrys economy out of the cycle of poverty, when the country was recovering from trauma of the partition in 1947 and the crisis created by the second world war. First five year plan 195156 construction of houses for government employees and weaker sections. Indias firstfive year plan 195156 your article library. On december 8, 1951, the prime minister jawaharlal nehru presented the first fiveyear plan to the parliament of india. Click here to learn the concepts of five year plan from economics. The first plan sought to get the country out of the cycle of poverty. Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics. The plan had heavily borrowed ideas from ussrs five year plans developed by domer.
In the may 1945 grapevine, jack told the storybehindthestory, were the aas pulling my leg. All plans are based on one or the other model of economic development. He was a senior editor on the post at his retirement, in 1964. The first fiveyear plan was one of the most important, because it had a great role in the launching of indian development after. The programme of development incorporated in the first five year plan was calculated to strengthen the economy at the base. First five year plan 195156 second five year plan 1956 61 third five year plan 196166 fourth five year plan 196974 fifth five year plan 197479 references. The plan addressed, mainly the agrarian sector, including investment in dams and investigation. Chapter5 the changing nature of planning shodhganga. The completion of the first and second five year plans could not solve indias food deficiency. First five year plan 1951 56 the first five year plans was presented to the parliament of india on 8th december, 1951. First five year plan1951 56 the first indian prime minister, jawaharlal nehru presented the first five yr plan the five year plan to the parliament of india on december 8, 1951. First five year plan1951 56 the first indian prime minister, jawaharlal nehru presented the first five yr plan the five year plan to the. First five year plan of india 195156 on december 8, 1951, the prime minister jawaharlal nehru presented the first five year plan to the parliament of india.
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